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Why choose Gentrop?

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Between 1999 and 2019, corporations began to understand that the cloud model could be an efficient and economical model to promote their businesses. Companies as Salesforce and Google consolidated themselves in the SaaS (Software as a service) corporative market.

​​Since 2016, with operations in Brazil and Latin America, Gentrop helps companies innovate and challenge themselves in the cloud with projects that support digital transformation, empower people and that will always have cultural change as a major objective. Technology thought for people and people transform the world.

As technology evolved, we evolved too and, with years of experience, we’ve consolidated our portfolio with the best and most efficient technologies to assist our clients.

Gentrop knows the reality of the corporate world in America Latina and that is why we have elaborated implementation plans and personalizes consulting for our clients. That means you can be assured, for we do everything according to your business requirements.

We help our clients with cloud solutions and we work to develop innovation ecosystems that can promote unique and omnichannel experiences to each one of our customers.

Collaboration, productivity, relationship, intelligence and behavior are the ecosystems that support us in this innovation journey.

Our reinvention is constant and complete! Following the pace of new technologies, Gentrop was born to be part of the different - with only one essence: to always listen to you.

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